Interim Priest In Charge:      The Rev. Canon Anthony Jemmott             Photo Here

   (Summer 2018)                          Cell: 905 987 5044

                                                     Local: 905 449 2955

Priest In Charge:                    The Rev. Greg Fiennes-Clinton    

   (After Sept. 1, 2018)                  Cell: 416 909 4833

                                                     Home: 416 491 1574


Rector’s Warden                      Walt Gibson

People’s Warden                     Angela Devonish

Deputy Warden                        Lyndsey Harper

Advisory Board Chair              Carol Beeton

ACW and Altar Flowers          Margery Freethy

Chancel Guild                          Margery Freethy

CFO & Envelope Secret.        Carol Beeton

Corporate Secret.                     Crystal Smith

Crucifer                                      Allan Devonish

Financial Consultant              Helen Vatandoust

Hall Bookings                           Angela Devonish

Organist/Choir Director           Arnold Mostert

Parochial Tribunal                   Vacant

Property Manager                    Gary Holmes

Sexton                                       Tim Yates

Sunday School Coord.           Vicki Breech

Synod Representative            Carol Beeton